Diary of a group of newbie real estate investors...05112023
May 11, 2023
So the last month has been a bit crazy. I've been working with a few investors, went on a 10 day vacation in the Carolinas and more. But, let's start with the good stuff first! CONGRATULATIONS to Jacen for bagging your first wholesale deal!!!! It's been 3 months of calling, door knocking and driving! The best part is that with every action taken, Jacen's belief that this can work increased. I am incredibly proud of the non-stop drive he has to make wholesaling work.
In the last month, we've gone to see some properties. We went and met a guy in Worcester who owns about 12 properties. He wants to sell them all. We scheduled an appointment and went out to see him together. Then I followed up. Unfortunately, he ghosted me at our second appointment. But, he's in the pipeline and we will continue to follow up. This property Jacen wholesaled is not one we worked on together. He kept telling me Springfield, Springfield, Springfield. I kept saying, uggh....tough market. Just goes to show you, you can learn something from everyone, even if they are younger with less experience.
I'm also super excited because Andy, who I've been working with separately from this group called me a few weeks back and said, "Can you go look at a property with me? I was up north looking at that other property you sent me and I came across this FSBO. But, I really would love to get your thoughts on this, he also has 2 other properties." Any excuse to take a ride to the white mountains is a good one for me. We checked out the first property and it was awesome. It's perfectly situated, close to 93, not too far from RT 16, close to all the ski areas and not far from North Conway. Then we went to look at the others. They were a little scary and we talked about it all on the ride home and on the phone afterwards. We concluded the first property was great, but the other 2 are too far for the extensive work needed. I tell you what, nothing thrills me more than when I get a text, "I met with Bob on Sunday and offered him $85k for that property and he signed the contract and I got to hold and pet the goats!" Admittedly, I was bummed he didn't ask me to go up with him, just because I wanted to pet the miniature goats that Bob raises too. LOL. But, I'm super proud of Andy. This property is going to be a great little short term rental in the white mountains.
Back to the team. We are now making calls together. We jumped on a zoom the other night to make calls and made a connection with a lady interested in selling her property in Maine. We just have to go check it out. She's willing to talk terms...so, we may be holding this one. We are going to be making more calls tonight. I get pumped up every time I get to work with this group!
The train is starting to gain momentum and we are very excited as to all that's happening. Who wants to be on our buyer's list? Enter your info at https://www.bostonareia.com/buyer-s-list .
Until the next time I have time to sit down and write. Happy Investing!
Bernadette Trafton, Boston AREIA Chief Connector
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